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Basal Body Temperature Chart


How to Keep a Basal Body Temperature Chart

Click here for more information on Basal Body Temperature Charts

1. Write the first day of your period in the box next to “Date”, in the “1” column and continue with the remaining dates within your cycle.

2. Each morning, upon waking, before you get out of bed, place the thermometer under your tongue for at least 2 minutes. Be sure not to eat, drink, smoke or brush your teeth before taking your temperature.

3. Accurately record your temperature reading on the graph by placing a dot in the proper location. Place an “X” in the space provided, indicating each day of intercourse.

4. Use the cervical mucus column to indicate the type of vaginal discharge that you experience each day.

5. If you experience a temperature variation due to a cold, infection, insomnia, indigestion, etc, it should be noted on the graph above the reading for that day.

6. In most cases, you will see a biphasic pattern on your chart after ovulation has taken place. You will have lower pre-ovulation temperatures and higher post-ovulation temperatures. Your temperature may rise in quick or slow increments; it may even rise and fall slightly over several days. The rise in temperature is usually about 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit, but may also be as slight as 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

7. When ovulation occurs you may notice a twinge of pain in the lower abdomen or an increase in vaginal discharge that is clear and stretchy. If you notice this, indicate where this occurred on the graph.

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